Coalition for a Feminist Agenda



Introduction to Winter Institute
Courses available
Course Coordinators
Keynote Speakers
Program Outline
Course Credit




"A Feminist Agenda for the 21st Century"

11-18 July 2004 - James Cook University, Townsville

Following the very successful Townsville International Women's Conference, July 2002, the Coalition for a Feminist Agenda is offering the Winter Institute for Women as an opportunity for participants to delve more deeply into some of the topics touched on at the Conference.
What is it? ...An intensive week-long study program which presents an opportunity for participants to develop a stronger feminist analysis of issues crucial to women in the 21st Century. Courses offered will aim to explore the intersection of radical feminism and other radical positions and will cover topics such as globalisation, trafficking, feminist ethics, creative resistance, conflict and violence. (See Courses available).

Who should attend? ...Activists, academics, writers, students, service-providers …thinkers…doers…dreamers… in fact, all who believe that women working together can create the knowledge and energy needed to build a better and fairer world.

How will it work? ...There will be six courses on offer and each will be facilitated by a Course Coordinator with recognised expertise in their subject. (See Course Coordinators). Participants will select one of the courses and, through a program of reading, moderated discussion and guided interaction will delve deeply into their chosen area of study. Course numbers will be limited to allow optimal opportunity for group discussion.

***A special feature of the program will be a series of keynote addresses by internationally-renowned guest speakers.*** (See Keynote Speakers).

Who is organising the program? ...The Coalition for a Feminist Agenda, which grew out of the highly successful Townsville International Women’s Conference 2002 (See History). Like that Conference, the Winter Institute for Women will be independently organised and entirely self-funded. However, it will receive valuable support and in-kind sponsorship from the School of Social Work and Community Welfare (including the Centre for Women’s Studies) at James Cook University. (See Partners).

Are there any course pre-requisites? ...There are no academic pre-requisites for attending the program as the intention is to build a knowledge community of women from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. However, content will be of a high standard and James Cook University is offering the opportunity to earn academic credit for the course. (See Course Credit).