Coalition for a Feminist Agenda




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"A Feminist Agenda for the 21st Century"

11-18 July 2004 - James Cook University, Townsville

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We are delighted that Keynote Speaker, Dr. Patricia McFadden, has accepted the position of *Feminist in Residence* at the Institute. In addition to her Keynote address, Patricia will make a guest appearance at each of the courses and be involved in the Panel on the final day.

Dr. Patricia McFadden, (Born in Swaziland, Africa). Visiting Scholar at Five Colleges Women's Studies Research Center, Mount Holyoke College, Amherst, Massachusetts.

TITLE OF KEYNOTE: African Feminist Interpretations of Post-Coloniality

Dr. Patricia McFadden, Sociologist, Activist, Writer and Publisher, was born in Swaziland and worked in the antiapartheid struggle for 20 years. She has taught at University level since 1976. For several years, she worked as a senior Program Officer in the Gender Relations Division at the Southern African Research Institute for Policy Studies (SARIPS) at the SAPES Trust, and has taught feminist courses in the SAPES Master in Policy Studies program.

Formerly director of the Feminist Studies Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, Patricia is currently a Visiting Scholar at Five Colleges Women’s Studies Research Center, Mount Holyoke College, Amherst, Massachusetts. She is an affiliate at Smith College in Northampton. Author of numerous articles, she is a former editor of the Southern African Feminist Review.

Patricia is a member of the Development Alternatives for Women in the New Era (DAWN) and Akina Mama wa Afrika networks, and is also a gender trainer for the Women’s Movement and the United Nations system.

While Patricia will speak at the Institute on “African Feminist Interpretations of Post-Coloniality”, she also speaks around the world on issues such as: the African Women’s Movement; the struggle for Reproductive and Sexual Rights and Health on the continent; and the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on women’s struggles for sexual and civil freedom.







Professor Jeannie Herbert, Chair of Indigenous Australian Studies at James Cook University, Townsville.

TITLE OF KEYNOTE: My Right to Choose! (Do we have common ground? Does being 'female' nullify cultural difference?)

Professor Jeannie Herbert has worked in education for the past 40 years - as a classroom teacher in a variety of situations in different parts of Australia, as well as overseas in Papua New Guinea and Saudi Arabia; in educational administration; in adult education, training and curriculum development; and as Coordinator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education (Northern Region) with the Queensland Department of Education. In 1997, she became head of the Indigenous unit at James Cook University and Chair of Indigenous Australian Studies in 2001.

In 1994, Jeannie undertook a national consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents and students in remote, rural and urban locations through a Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) National Gender and Violence Project. A key outcome of these grassroots consultations was a professional development package for teachers, entitled "Getting It Together". Following this, she was awarded funding to develop and conduct a national training program designed to implement "Getting It Together" in schools throughout the country.

Professor Herbert's influence in the field of Education extends to the many Boards and Consultative Bodies she is involved with throughout Australia.






Dr. Sheila Jeffreys, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Melbourne.

TITLE OF KEYNOTE: The Traffic in Women: Human rights violation or migration for labour?

Dr Sheila Jeffreys is a founding member of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia. She came to Australia in 1991 after 20 years of feminist activism in the UK in rape crisis centres, in anti-pornography groups, and in lesbian feminist politics.

She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Melbourne where she teaches sexual politics, lesbian politics and international feminist politics. She is the author of five books on the history and politics of sexuality:

The Spinster and Her Enemies (1985/97), Anticlimax (1990), The Lesbian Heresy (1993), The Idea of Prostitution (1997) and Unpacking Queer Politics (2003). Her sixth book, Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful cultural practices in the west, will be published in 2005.



Dr. Sheila Bunwaree, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Mauritius.

TITLE OF KEYNOTE: Globalisation, Peace and Development – a Feminist Perspective

Dr Sheila Bunwaree is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Mauritius. She has also headed the Gender Bureau of the Ministry of Women’s Rights and she is a member of the various Gender Networks in the African Region and overseas. From 2000-2003, she was on leave from the University. During that period, she was the Director of the Research and Documentation Center at the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa -CODESRIA, based in Dakar (Senegal). She co-directed the CODESRIA Gender Institute of 2002 on the theme of ‘Globalisation, Gender and Trade’ and has helped to consolidate the CODESRIA Gender Programme.

Sheila Bunwaree has been a consultant for FAWE, IFAD, SARDC, SADC, UNICEF and UNDP. She has participated in a number of regional workshops and international conferences. As a sociologist, she writes on a broad range of societal issues and the feminist activist that she also is, inspires her writings.